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Iechyd a Lles / Health and Wellbeing



At Ysgol Penalltau we believe that good mental health and wellbeing is everybody’s right and responsibility. This requires engagement across the whole- school community including: staff, learners, governors, parents/ carers and external services. Wellbeing should be a priority for all, and at the heart of the curriculum, promoting a positive culture. Good mental health and an effective learning environment are intrinsically linked, and mental health awareness should be embedded through a whole-school approach. Wellbeing is the balance point between an individual’s resilience and the challenges they face. Positive wellbeing is concerned with developing the capacity for individuals to navigate life’s opportunities and difficulties with genuine engagement across the whole- school community.

We aim to:

  • Recognise and address the mental and emotional wellbeing needs all children and young people and the adults they work with.
  • Use an inclusive whole-school approach to support good mental health and emotional wellbeing for all.
  • Build resilience and ensure preventative action through developing positive relationships between all members of the school community.
  • Enable all learners to know how, when and where to actively seek support for themselves and others.
  • Recognise the schools’ responsibility to identify the signs of poor wellbeing through questionnaires, observations and pupil voice sessions and ensure effective support is put in place when a learner experiences more severe distress.
  • Recognise existing effective practice in Caerphilly and support the development of a whole- school strategic approach to mental health & emotional wellbeing through the use of these, or similar, evidence-based approaches in your setting.


Link governors for Health and Wellbeing are Mrs Gemma Harris and Mrs Jayne Richards.



Yn Ysgol Penalltau credwn fod iechyd meddwl da a lles yn hawl a chyfrifoldeb pawb. Mae hyn yn gofyn am ymgysylltu ar draws cymuned yr ysgol gyfan gan gynnwys: staff, dysgwyr, llywodraethwyr, rhieni/gofalwyr a gwasanaethau allanol. Dylai lles fod yn flaenoriaeth i bawb, ac wrth galon y cwricwlwm, yn hyrwyddo diwylliant cadarnhaol. Mae iechyd meddwl da ac amgylchedd dysgu effeithiol wedi’u cysylltu’n gynhenid, a dylid gwreiddio ymwybyddiaeth o iechyd meddwl trwy ddull ysgol gyfan. Lles yw’r cydbwysedd rhwng gwytnwch unigolyn a’r heriau y mae’n eu hwynebu. Mae lles cadarnhaol yn ymwneud â datblygu’r gallu i unigolion lywio drwy gyfleoedd ac anawsterau bywyd gydag ymgysylltiad gwirioneddol ar draws cymuned yr ysgol gyfan.

Rydym yn anelu at:

• Cydnabod a mynd i'r afael ag anghenion lles meddyliol ac emosiynol yr holl blant a phobl ifanc a'r oedolion y maent yn gweithio gyda nhw.

• Defnyddio ymagwedd ysgol gyfan gynhwysol i gefnogi iechyd meddwl a lles emosiynol da i bawb.

• Adeiladu gwytnwch a sicrhau gweithredu ataliol trwy ddatblygu perthnasoedd cadarnhaol rhwng holl aelodau cymuned yr ysgol.

• Galluogi pob dysgwr i wybod sut, pryd a ble i fynd ati i geisio cymorth iddyn nhw eu hunain ac i eraill.

• Cydnabod cyfrifoldeb yr ysgol i adnabod arwyddion lles gwael trwy holiaduron, arsylwadau a sesiynau llais y disgybl a sicrhau bod cymorth effeithiol yn cael ei roi yn ei le pan fydd dysgwr yn profi trallod mwy difrifol.

• Cydnabod arfer effeithiol presennol yng Nghaerffili a chefnogi datblygiad ymagwedd strategol ysgol gyfan at iechyd meddwl a lles emosiynol trwy ddefnyddio'r dulliau hyn, neu ddulliau tebyg, sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth yn eich lleoliad.


Y llywodraethwyr cyswllt ar gyfer Iechyd a Lles yw Mrs Gemma Harris a Mrs Jayne Richards.

  • Ysgol Gymraeg Penalltau,
  • Cwm Calon Road, Old Colliery Site, Penalta Ystrad Mynach, Hengoed, Caerphilly, CF82 6AP
  • E-bost:  ysgolpenalltau@sch.caerphilly.gov.uk
  • Ffôn:  01443   862   974