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Jenny Sullivan- Ein Noddwr Darllen Our Patron of Reading

Anrhydedd anferth yw cael yr awdures Jenny Sullivan fel Noddwr Darllen yma yn Ysgol Penalltau.


Hap llwyr oedd ein cyfarfod cyntaf gyda Jenny, pan ddaeth atom ar fyr-rybudd rhyw ddydd o haf yn 2012 ar ôl i ysgol arall beidio troi lan i'w chwrdd. Wel am ffawd! Roeddem wrth ein boddau yng nghwmni Jenny a sefydlwyd cyswllt agos rhyngddom bron ar unwaith. Daeth Jenny yn ôl atom yn ddiweddar i weithio gyda disgyblion yr Adran Iau. Ar ddiwedd yr ymweliad gofynnodd Jenny i ni a fyddem yn hoffi iddi fod yn noddwr darllen yma- wel, wrth gwrs, fe dderbynion ni ei chynnig heb oedi! Mae ei gwaith yn barod wedi ysbrydoli disgyblion yr Adran Iau i ddarllen ymhellach ac rydym yn edrych ymlaen yn fawr at ei hymweliad nesaf.


It is a great honour to announce that the author Jenny Sullivan has kindly offered to be our very own 'Patron of Reading'!


It was purely by chance that we had the opportunity to meet Jenny during the Summer of 2012 when another local school failed to turn up to meet her. Bad luck for them- but very good luck for us! We were enthralled by Jenny's stories and a firm bond developed almost instantly between us. Jenny recently visited the school again to work with the Junior Department and it was at the end of this visit that Jenny asked if we would like her to become our Patron of Reading- we jumped at the chance! Her work has already inspired our junior pupils, not only to read more, but to try their hand at writing stories too. We can't wait for her to visit us again!


Gofynnwch i'r athrawon os hoffech fenthyg un o'i llyfrau o lyfrgell yr ysgol.

Ask one of the teacher's if you'd like to borrow one of her books from the school library.

Dyma Jenny Sullivan. Tynnwyd y llun yn Pont Augan 2006. This picture was taken at Pont Augan in 2006

World Book day - 6/03/14

Diolch Jenny!!!


A very big thank you to Jenny for her wonderful visit to our school to help us celebrate World Book Day today.


The pupils enjoyed creating stories, learning more about the work of an author and sharing their experiences of reading with Jenny.


Well done to Abby Winfield and Jamie Lee for being awarded 1st prize in Jenny's competition to re-write a Welsh folk tale.


Ithan Monico's poem about his hero, his uncle, was very worthy of the Bardic Chair. Ithan is very keen to begin reading Jenny's book that he received as a special award for his excellent work.


We are honoured to have Jenny's latest book, Gwydion's Quest, dedicated to the pupils of our school and are eager to receive a copy to learn more about Gwydion's adventures.


We look forward to hearing more from Jenny in next month's newsletter.


We hope you have a safe journey home Jenny and that you are in good voice to shout for Wales in our next rugby match against France!!


P.S. If you can't find Mrs Woods, she will probably be hiding in the library's quiet area reading Jenny's novel 'Silver Fox'! A fantastic historical novel for adults.



Cylchlythyr Ionawr 2018 January Newsletter

Newsletter- Cylchlythyr Tachwedd

Cylchlythyr Medi 2017 September Newsletter

Cylchlythyr Mehefin 2017 June Newsletter

Cylchlythyr Ebrill 2017- April Newsletter

Cylchlythyr Chwefror 2017 -February Newsletter 2017

Cylchlythyr Ionawr 2017 January newsletter

Cylchlythyr Ebrill April Newsletter 2016

Cylchlythyr Chwefror February 2016 Newsletter

Cylchlythyr Ionawr January 2016 Newsletter

Cylchlythyr Rhagfyr- December Newsletter 2015

Cylchlythyr Tachwedd- November Newsletter 2015

Cylchlythyr Hydref 2015 October 2015 Newsletter

Jenny's Visit to our school

On the 22nd of September we were lucky enough to welcome Jenny to school again. We all had great fun writing stories together.

Cylchlythyr Mai 2015 May Newsletter

Cylchlythyr CHWEFROR February Newsletter 2015

Cylch Lythyr Rhagfyr Newsletter December

Cylchlythyr Hydref 2014 Newsletter October 2014

Cylchlythyr Mehefin Newsletter - June

Cylchlythyr Ebrill/ April's Newsletter

Cylchlythyr Chwefror/ February's Newsletter

Cylch lythyr Newsletter 1- Patrons of Reading

Congratulations to Jenny and her family on the birth of her grandson, Joseph William Aelfryn!!  


Cylchlythyr Ionawr January Newsletter

Cylchlythyr Jenny Newsletter 19/11/13

  • Ysgol Gymraeg Penalltau,
  • Cwm Calon Road, Old Colliery Site, Penalta Ystrad Mynach, Hengoed, Caerphilly, CF82 6AP
  • E-bost:  ysgolpenalltau@sch.caerphilly.gov.uk
  • Ffôn:  01443   862   974